江八怪 歌词翻译

无名氏(Unknown artist (Chinese))
翻译:Jiang Baguai

Jiang Baguai

What a Jiang Baguai!
What a Jiang Baguai!
State-owned assets he prepares for the big auction. His belt is around the boobs of a “good” actress*!

What a Jiang Zongcai!What a Jiang Zongcai!Chinese territory he prepares for sale. He is a KGB spy, and his ancestor is Qin Hui.

What a Jiang the Pest!What a Jiang the Pest!
Fake shows,songs and flattery he likes.
The Satan Toad will give birth to more little toads.


好一个江八怪, 好一个江八怪, 国有资产都来大拍卖。 裤带系在奶奶上呀, 真乃戏子好风采。

好一个江总菜, 好一个江总菜, 中国领土他来大拍卖。 原是克格勃特务呀, 祖宗就是那大秦桧。

好一个江戏崽, 好一个江戏崽, 作秀唱歌献媚不呔咳。 撒旦蛤蟆他来转世呀, 带来更多的小蛤蟆。